My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • A brief and disorganized account of the 2006 FIFA World Cup, with incomplete sentences and excessive use of capitalization.
    by 222rainbow
    Eye Icon 58
    Star Icon 4
  • This book is basically facts and my opinion of Hawaii but its really good and all facts are true so make sue you visit Hawaii and read this book!
    by 222rainbow
    Eye Icon 17
  • Mr. Pickle and Ms. Uni solve the mystery of a missing fish and deal with a rival resort.
    by 222rainbow
    Eye Icon 29
    Star Icon 1
  • A story about the negative effects of bullying and the importance of treating others with respect, told through a personal narrative and a cartoon version.
    by 222rainbow
    Eye Icon 10
  • A boy named Red refuses to eat vegetables and dreams of a candy land. After learning about the importance of vegetables, he changes his mind.
    by 222rainbow
    Eye Icon 41
    Star Icon 2

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