My Public / Unpublished Books (12)

  • In the land of Pantalaia, Queen Redwood's dragon egg is stolen by Queen Flame. The egg hatches into Palm, who teams up with Tsunami and Krystal to retrieve it. They use a magical sword to turn Queen Flame and her tribe into stone, saving Pantalaia.
    by HippoHero
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  • by HippoHero
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  • Sophie and Lyla receive a mysterious letter warning them of an impending danger. They are transported to a magic shop where they learn about evil robots planning to invade Earth. With the help of magical items, they manage to defeat the robots and turn them into obedient helpers.
    by HippoHero
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  • Ariana gets kidnapped and communicates with her friend Cathrine through a phone. They work together to escape.
    by HippoHero
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  • A young girl named Holly receives a series of mysterious notes from a dove named Almawt and an anonymous entity called Nameless. She is led on a scavenger hunt around her house to find jewelled keys, ultimately discovering that the goal was to free another dove named Marah.
    by HippoHero
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  • A student saves up tickets to buy an item from the Treasure Box in art class and chooses a stuffed cat named Whisker.
    by HippoHero
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  • Pandas. Owls. Hostages. Letters. Spies. Secret Agents. Plans. All of this because of a cold war.
    But cold wars don't stay cold wars forever, do they?
    And if they don't-what happens next?
    by HippoHero
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  • Pandas prepare for Christmas with decorations and gifts, while cats plan their own festive surprises, leading to a magical Christmas Eve.
    by HippoHero
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  • Xiomara, a young girl, receives mysterious letters about missing hippos. Guided by the letters, she embarks on a magical journey to find the Jade Flower and save the hippos.
    by HippoHero
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  • You got a packet of twelve slow-rising foam, squishable, two-inch-tall pencil toppers. Cool, right? Then they come to life. Even cooler, right?
    It's all fun and games until talking pencil toppers get out of control.
    by HippoHero
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  • by HippoHero
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  • Leia Enger is transported to an Egyptian pyramid through a portal in her art room. She must complete a scavenger hunt within an hour or awaken a mummy. She finds all the items and returns home.
    by HippoHero
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