My Public / Unpublished Books (10)

  • An owner have a pair of terriers in his pet shop. When the pairs have children, all puppies were identical except one named Maximilian, who have a gray fur in his whole body. The owner cherishes him until his siblings were jealous and planning to banish him from there. Will Maximilian be reunited or banished from his family?
    by ifung
    Eye Icon 108
    Star Icon 11
  • The story about a croissant who never know he going to be sold that day.(Based on the Story "Si Mentimun" or "The Cucumber)
    by ifung
    Eye Icon 215
    Star Icon 12
  • A letter to my crush who turns out to have crush on me.
    by ifung
    Eye Icon 168
    Star Icon 9
  • Telling the great adventure of loss and joy in finding your loved ones.
    by ifung
    Eye Icon 163
    Star Icon 11
  • A lonely dragon searches for friends and finally finds a mermaid who accepts him. They become close friends, learn from each other, and eventually get married.
    by ifung
    Eye Icon 583
    Star Icon 16
  • The story about a smart girl and dumb boy who become friends.
    by ifung
    Eye Icon 43
    Star Icon 5
  • Every one of us in the world have at least one unique talent. You'll see in this story.
    by ifung
    Eye Icon 67
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  • Bullying is not fun, especially in a Halloween party.
    by ifung
    Eye Icon 1901
    Star Icon 53
  • Eleanor and her friends were on a mission to find mulberries, but then she and her one friend were lost. What did they do? (Based on the Stories "Red Riding Hood" and "The Seven Little Goats")
    by ifung
    Eye Icon 39
    Star Icon 2
  • Irene participates in a contest to be the perfect girl. She wins but realizes that perfection is subjective and everyone has flaws.
    by ifung
    Eye Icon 61
    Star Icon 3

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