My Published Books (1)

  • A group of horses living on Jonathan Miller's property engage in a series of pranks that escalate until one horse, Hidalgo, gets hurt. The horses learn the importance of not letting their games get out of hand and end the day playing Uno together.
    by thehorsefamily63
    Eye Icon 24

My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • For kids who want to learn more about the awesome different breeds of horses.
    by thehorsefamily63
    Eye Icon 17
  • A family goes shopping with a sick chick, causing embarrassment and anxiety for the narrator.
    by thehorsefamily63
    Eye Icon 3
  • Oscar, a kitten raised by ducks, struggles with his identity. After a hurtful encounter, he learns to embrace his differences and befriend another kitten.
    by thehorsefamily63
    Eye Icon 26
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