Playful Books

  • Things Grownups Think Kids Don't Know
    As an adult someday planning to start my own family, I think frequently about how my brother and I grew up as children. Our parents did some of the funniest things that were …
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  • The Kissy Monster
    When Iyla was 3 years old, her baby sister, Freya, went to Heaven. This story was inspired by a real-life conversation shortly after Freya passed. We all needed extra love a…
  • Cute Kittens
    A playful story about a kitten's adventures and daily activities, including walks, snacks, Halloween costumes, and races.
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  • FNAF: What you don't know...
    A guide to the secrets and Easter eggs in the game Five Nights at Freddy's 3, with a playful and misleading ending.
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  • Newton's Three Laws of Motion
    A story about a dog named Harley and Newton's laws of motion, explained through the dog's actions.
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  • Dog Dayz
    "Dog Dayz" written by Lily Myers who loves dogs. She has written this book to share a story about her two dogs and what they enjoy doing during the day.
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  • Lunch with Annabel
    A playful story about a 3-year-old girl named Annabel and her mom's attempt to teach her proper manners.
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  • Things Kids Think Grownups Don't Know
    If you enjoyed "Things Grownups Think Kids Don't Know", wait until you get a load of its' sequel "Things Kids Think Grownups Don't Know"! A book that shows kids that grownups…
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