My Published Books (2)

  • This book is about a young boy's dream of visiting different planets. There is information about planets in this book. There are pictures of differnt planets too in this book.
    by JoAnn Loo
    Eye Icon 732
    Star Icon 70
  • This is a story about a girl who goes on a vacation with her grandma and sister. She gets to go to different places on vacation and has neat experiences while on vacation.
    by JoAnn Loo
    Eye Icon 5231
    Star Icon 58

My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • This is a story about a young girl and her pet dragon. She gets to teach her dragon tricks.
    by JoAnn Loo
    Eye Icon 198
    Star Icon 5
  • This is a book to help children learn there ABC's. I put pictures of animals in this book.
    by JoAnn Loo
    Eye Icon 256
    Star Icon 5
  • This is a story about a boy who makes his own time machine. He used it to to travel back in the past. He has adventures in different time periods.
    by JoAnn Loo
    Eye Icon 3104
    Star Icon 12
  • JoAnn visits her grandma, plays with her dog, and copes with her grandma's death.
    by JoAnn Loo
    Eye Icon 125
    Star Icon 6

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