My Public / Unpublished Books (17)

  • The story of 2 little girls, one spoilt, one kind. Enjoy. :)
    by Sophia Tesoriero
    Eye Icon 398
    Star Icon 35
  • A description of different weather conditions and their activities, ending with a call for the sun to come out.
    by Sophia Tesoriero
    Eye Icon 462
    Star Icon 6
  • All about me! Amazing Me! (Not) :(
    by Sophia Tesoriero
    Eye Icon 91
    Star Icon 12
  • This is the lyrics to the song "The Princess Who Saved Herself". I have added pictures. In fairy tales the prince or man is all ways saving the woman. Well this is different so have a look.
    by Sophia Tesoriero
    Eye Icon 301
    Star Icon 9
  • This is a good book for kids learning to read. The pictures are very entertaining.
    by Sophia Tesoriero
    Eye Icon 118
    Star Icon 10
  • Meet me! Cute doggy! Food muncher! Rock chaser! Ear scratcher! Let's be fwiends!!!
    by Sophia Tesoriero
    Eye Icon 27
    Star Icon 8
  • Learn magic spells to become a witch or wizard!
    by Sophia Tesoriero
    Eye Icon 264
    Star Icon 21
  • A scared puppy gets lost, ends up in a shelter, befriends another dog, and eventually finds his way back home.
    by Sophia Tesoriero
    Eye Icon 168
    Star Icon 8
  • Jimmy knows self isolation is so important, it keeps everyone you love safe. You go through ups and downs but no matter what, know that millions of others are going through the same thing. Stay positive, love each other, and most importantly stay safe.
    by Sophia Tesoriero
    Eye Icon 90
    Star Icon 8
  • This a great book for kindergartens and preschoolers. Learning the alphabet and learning to read in a fun and colourful way.
    by Sophia Tesoriero
    Eye Icon 477
    Star Icon 13
  • A piece of onomatopoeia* poetry I wrote for school, calming like a bedtime story. Hope you enjoy! Open to constructive criticism!

    *The formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named. (You probably needed that ;)
    by Sophia Tesoriero
    Eye Icon 45
    Star Icon 4
  • Follow Charley's life from age 5 to 12 as she navigates school, family, and her passion for horses.
    by Sophia Tesoriero
    Eye Icon 73
    Star Icon 7
  • Spoiler Alert! A colourful tribute to some of the Wings of Fire characters! Not finished yet! Work in progress!
    by Sophia Tesoriero
    Eye Icon 30
    Star Icon 6
  • ABC of Anything! (Mainly animals and food) :)
    by Sophia Tesoriero
    Eye Icon 155
    Star Icon 6
  • A magical adventure for young readers. Full of fairies and fairy tale characters. Hope you enjoy!
    by Sophia Tesoriero
    Eye Icon 98
    Star Icon 4
  • Sally's puppies are dognapped, but they manage to escape and find their way back home with Sally's help.
    by Sophia Tesoriero
    Eye Icon 58
    Star Icon 9
  • by Sophia Tesoriero
    Eye Icon 161
    Star Icon 10

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