My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • The story provides a comprehensive overview of the sport of football, including its various forms worldwide, rules and regulations, equipment used, and field dimensions. It also discusses player positions, substitutions, and game timing.
    by books111
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  • Lindsey has been stranded away from home with no memory of how she got there. When her 13th birthday comes her world is turned upside down and she starts a quest to save not only herself but the world
    by books111
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  • A young person on a deserted island encounters a mysterious balloon and embarks on a thrilling adventure.
    by books111
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  • A girl explores a mysterious tower and encounters strange visions and creatures, ultimately being turned to ice.
    by books111
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  • Underwater creatures are amazing. In this book learn exiting facts about them.
    by books111
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