My Published Books (2)

  • Chloe, a strong and determined girl, overcomes her nerves and wrestles boys in the state championship, winning first place and becoming an inspiration for girls.
    by Brynn Cunningham
    Eye Icon 112
    Star Icon 7
  • Sarah Jane, a young girl living on a plantation in 1860, befriends Jessie, a slave. They form a secret friendship and Sarah Jane helps Jessie learn to read. Together, they plan an escape to Canada with the help of Harriet Tubman.
    by Brynn Cunningham
    Eye Icon 82
    Star Icon 6

My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • A story about two children's adventures during the Christmas season, including sledding, building a snowman, and celebrating Christmas Day.
    by Brynn Cunningham
    Eye Icon 24
    Star Icon 3
  • Neveah, a girl who is often ignored, joins a game of Red Rover to prove herself. She tags the bullies and encounters a mysterious boy who warns them of danger. They escape through a portal and discover their true identities as demigods.
    by Brynn Cunningham
    Eye Icon 68
    Star Icon 6
  • Fun Roblox book!
    by Brynn Cunningham
    Eye Icon 20
  • A collection of short introductions from various children, each sharing their likes and interests.
    by Brynn Cunningham
    Eye Icon 129
    Star Icon 3

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