My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • Explore Poland's rich history through its iconic landmarks, from Gothic castles to modern towers, each with unique stories and cultural significance.
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  • A bird's-eye view of ancient Rome, highlighting its founding, the Roman Forum, aqueducts, roads, and the city's quiet night.
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  • In ancient Ephesus, Athena the owl observes the bustling city, interacts with its people, and enjoys a play, reflecting on the stories and wisdom of her surroundings before drifting off to sleep.
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  • Oliver, Melody, and Alex get lost in a forest and stumble upon a castle where they meet Olivia, a scientist building a time machine. They travel to the past and witness the moon landing, but accidentally alter the timeline. With the help of Bluezalians in the future, they repair their damaged time machine and return to warn their past selves. They play football with new friends and have a barbecue.
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