My Public / Unpublished Books (25)

  • There are Thieves in splat island, no one can find the thieves...

    Adventure story.
    by Safa Akbur
    Eye Icon 43
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  • Muffet and her family live in a small hole in a human's house. Muffet wants to explore the house without telling her parents. Muffet get trapped by the humans! Oh NO! How will she escape? And if she does escape, what will she do?
    by Safa Akbur
    Eye Icon 11
  • "Luke and Ramona had just reached the magical tree, when a huge monster-like creature emerged from the shadows..."
    by Safa Akbur
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  • This book is all about if there is life outside Earth. If you would like to find out, then read this book.
    by Safa Akbur
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  • by Safa Akbur
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  • A sad story about Princess Millie and how she becomes queen.
    by Safa Akbur
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  • A brief introduction to the eight planets in our solar system, with some basic facts and descriptions.
    by Safa Akbur
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  • This series is about 3 evil thieves that wonder off into the night stealing treasures! With unexpected twists! Read the series to find out more!
    by Safa Akbur
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  • This is the meaning of a verse from the quran.
    by Safa Akbur
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  • This book is about the sea (The sea is meant to be my grandmother), please like my book and share it with others. Thank you!
    by Safa Akbur
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  • Molly, a 20-year-old woman, searches for a job and decides to become a doctor. She faces challenges with her family but eventually finds happiness and stability.
    by Safa Akbur
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  • This book is about the Great Religion of Islam. Please like my book and share it with others! Thank you!
    by Safa Akbur
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  • Molly prepares for college, visits friends and family, and starts a new chapter in her life. She faces challenges along the way.
    by Safa Akbur
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  • A rhyming poem that promotes the health benefits of vegetables and encourages children to eat them.
    by Safa Akbur
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  • by Safa Akbur
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  • This book is designed for ages 6+ and is about 2d and 3d shapes!
    by Safa Akbur
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  • A group of scientists set out to find a lost treasure on Treasure Island, encountering various challenges and mysteries along the way.
    by Safa Akbur
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  • A magazine article about the importance of nutrients, exercise, medicine/drugs, addiction, and healthy eating for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
    by Safa Akbur
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  • A beginner's guide to ballet, covering the basics of entering ballet, clothing, 5 basic ballet positions, pointe shoes, and a brief history of ballet.
    by Safa Akbur
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  • Hannah, a 10-year-old girl, goes on a journey to Umrah with her mother. She learns about the significance of wearing a hijab and the black stone at the Kaaba.
    by Safa Akbur
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  • Sorry, there are two blank pages when you read this book. Anyway, this book is about a roman villa!
    by Safa Akbur
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  • A description of Santa Claus, his home in the North Pole, what he wears, and how he delivers gifts to children.
    by Safa Akbur
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  • In this book, I talk about sports. Like the best places to play them!
    by Safa Akbur
    Eye Icon 88
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