My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • Legend of Dracula
    by Tiziana Contessa
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  • by Tiziana Contessa
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  • Alexander, a mouse, is constantly chased and screamed at by humans. One day, he meets Willy, a wind-up mouse, who is loved by everyone. Alexander wishes to be like Willy and finds a magic lizard who can grant his wish. The lizard turns Willy into a real mouse, and they become friends.
    by Tiziana Contessa
    Eye Icon 49
  • by Tiziana Contessa
    Eye Icon 59
  • by Tiziana Contessa
    Eye Icon 73
  • Pezzettino, a small piece, wonders whose little piece he could be and sets out to find his answer. Along the way, he realizes that he is made up of little pieces just like everyone else.
    by Tiziana Contessa
    Eye Icon 185
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