My Public / Unpublished Books (21)

  • It's a book about how Rover the puppy helps in getting justice done! Very adventurous book. Like and comment.
    by Sameer Amte
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  • This story is about how Emma and Nancy make an extremely selfish girl mend her ways by intelligence...
    by Sameer Amte
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  • This story is about a young princess, who was missing since she was a baby, and how she's reunited with family.
    by Sameer Amte
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  • This book is about how jealousy can break friendship, howsoever close the friends may be...
    by Sameer Amte
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  • Two friends become enemies because of a boy called Fred. In the end, the two girls, Fred and two more girls become best friends forever. Please read more...
    by Sameer Amte
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  • This book is about an adventurous girl called 'Helen Brown'. Please like, comment and give a positive feedback.
    by Sameer Amte
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  • Belle finds a yellow egg and when it hatches a magical pony comes out. Belle is in a fix when the queen comes.
    by Sameer Amte
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  • A child from London shares their favorite things, hobbies, dreams, and friends.
    by Sameer Amte
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  • This story is about two best friends, who get separated. Then they meet each other again after 10 years...
    by Sameer Amte
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  • This book is about a small girl called Betty who loves dogs, and keeps a dog in the end with her intelligence...
    by Sameer Amte
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  • This is the second version of this book. Its when little Christy grows up, and goes for a mysterious holiday.
    by Sameer Amte
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  • This story is about a fairy called Ruby, who discovers a human, and the human helps her in fighting the witch.
    by Sameer Amte
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  • This book is about an orphan girl. She feels lonely, so she wants to find a pet. Please read further...
    by Sameer Amte
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  • This book is about a cute chick who no one likes just because he is handicap. Please read further to know more.
    by Sameer Amte
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  • This book tells you how to train a dog. Please enjoy it !!!
    by Sameer Amte
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  • This book was written when animals ruled the world. Aliens wanna take over, so they have a fight.
    by Sameer Amte
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  • Its about victory from good over evil. In this book, two brave super women save the world from being destroyed.
    by Sameer Amte
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  • This story is about a brave, adventurous girl called 'Alice Kingsley'. Join Alice in her latest adventure. Also, please give a 'positive' feedback, please 'comment', and please 'like' this story...
    by Sameer Amte
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  • This book is about my adorable dog who got lost 2 years ago...It is based on a true story...
    by Sameer Amte
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  • This is a book about a very adventurous girl called 'Sylvie'. So please join Sylvie on her first adventure !
    by Sameer Amte
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  • This book is a fiction book meant just for entertainment. So please join Susan in her latest adventure !
    by Sameer Amte
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