My Published Books (5)

  • Tylor meets Daisy at the playground, where they discover a plush kitten named Rei, who claims to be a prince. They become friends and share a magical afternoon, ending with a peaceful night under the moon.
    by Michelle Jenkins
  • Alan, a shy boy, wishes for a plush kitten and gets Suu, who helps him face his fears and become braver, leading to a heartwarming friendship.
    by Michelle Jenkins
  • Tylor wishes for a plush kitten and receives Nene from the sky. They bond at school during Show and Tell, celebrating their friendship and magical connection.
    by Michelle Jenkins
  • Bert and his friends welcome a new neighbor, Sarah, and with a wish, she receives a plush kitten named Peko from the sky, sparking a joyful friendship filled with adventures.
    by Michelle Jenkins
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  • Bert, an adventurous boy, discovers a talking plush kitten named Mew who falls from the sky. They become friends and share magical secrets, ready to explore the world together.
    by Michelle Jenkins
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My Public / Unpublished Books (2)

  • One peaceful night at Tidmouth Sheds, Thomas, the blue tank engine, lay fast asleep. The moonlight shone through the windows of the shed, casting a soft glow on the engines as they rested after a long day’s work. Thomas, as usual, was dreaming.
    by Michelle Jenkins
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  • On a beautiful day, Thomas and friends prepare for the Sodor Carnival. When a gust of wind causes chaos, they work together to fix it, showcasing the power of friendship and teamwork.
    by Michelle Jenkins
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