My Public / Unpublished Books (140)

  • Papierowe wycinanki z kartki A4
    by VeterinaryStreet
    Eye Icon 9
  • Spis treści profilu VeterinaryStreet
    by VeterinaryStreet
    Eye Icon 80
  • Projekty graficiarzy z Weterynaryjnej
    by VeterinaryStreet
    Eye Icon 4
  • Prace uczniów z Weterynaryjnej wykonane na konkurs
    by VeterinaryStreet
    Eye Icon 32
  • Jak pan Soczewka zrobił z domu muzeum.
    by VeterinaryStreet
    Eye Icon 19
  • Przedstawienie "Gruffalo? A co to takiego?"
    by VeterinaryStreet
    Eye Icon 11
  • Две сказки, три языка / Дві казки, три мови / Dwie bajki, trzy języki
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Obrazy Weterynaryjnej, na Jezuickiej malowane.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Jak Weterynaryjna przez cztery pory roku świętowała
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Co gdzie stoi i jak się żyje w domu Zuzi
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • O kocie, który ma swój pokój
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Teatrzyk miniaturowych kukiełek i modeli
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Książeczka o tym, że dzieci potrzebują mam
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Rysunki, które Ania wykonała w domu
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Last summer the Black Cat went to Africa to find the Golden Star. He heard strange voices there.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Ilustracje do książek, które czyta Weterynaryjna
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A group of people find an encrypted message, decode it, and go on a treasure hunt. They find jewelry and coins hidden inside a stump.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • O tym, jak Weterynaryjna dba o Ziemię
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Majowe kwiaty w Ekogródku
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Wczoraj padał śnieg, a dziś świeci słońce na Weterynaryjnej
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A hundred-year-old maple tree is cut down near a school, sparking interest from students. Another tree is also cut down. The story ends with a description of the remaining trunk.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Kuba likes drawing. He can draw his teacher wearing a mask
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A step-by-step guide on making a winter-themed greeting card, including coloring snowmen, gluing them in front of a hill, adding trees, drawing snowflakes, and writing a greeting.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Paper toys made by grade 4, 5 and 6
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Co kwitnie wokół nas?
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Książeczka o jedzeniu
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • This is Big Bill Broonzy's song translated into Polish
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A series of short sentences comparing different objects and concepts based on their attributes.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A list of different jobs and their descriptions, along with vocabulary related to each job and actions they perform.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • An informational book about different animal groups, including reptiles, mammals, arthropods, fish, and molluscs.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Do you know what is under, above or next to your classroom? And how to get there? There are many ways to explore the school building.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • What is Weterynaryjna and other questions
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • When the students stay at their homes, amazing flowers are blooming in the school garden and the park
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • O tym, jak dzieci poznają zwierzęta wokół nas
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Malarstwo z kolekcji Jezuicka galerii Weterynaryjna
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A group of friends decrypt a letter and find a treasure in a park. They then explore the park, finding surprises and questioning the weather.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A girl walking her dog is passing by Igor's drawings as posters.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Malarstwo z kolekcji Jezuicka galerii Weterynaryjna
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Przejażdżka pod słońce i jesień na Weterynaryjnej
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A simple story that teaches children how to tell time using different expressions for each hour.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • VeterinaryStreet's adaptation of a traditional lullaby known as "Lavender Blue"
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A song about love
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Prawdziwe dzieje Kopciuszka opowiedziane przez srokę ze złotym dziobem
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Photos of early April flowers at Weterynaryjna's garden and park
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Młodzi odkrywcy z Weterynaryjnej po raz ostatni odwiedzili bibliotekę na komecie, zanim ta odleciała w dal.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A joyful poem about the arrival of spring and the signs that indicate its presence.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A short, celebratory poem about being champions and receiving rewards.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Co słychać w podwodnym świecie?
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Przygody Słodziaków w szkole na Weterynaryjnej
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A group of grade III students describe themselves and their abilities, emphasizing their knowledge and skills.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Girls and boys from Veterinary Street chant and play one-string guitars.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Mary explores a meadow, searching for mysterious animals making strange sounds. She doesn't find them but learns to appreciate the sounds of nature.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A little squirrel goes on an adventure to retrieve a hazelnut, but encounters danger and eventually loses the nut to a crayfish.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • O tym, jak Maks lubi autobusy
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Tam, gdzie plastelina jest twarda na słońcu...
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Jeże ze szkolnej wystawy
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • What happens when the numbers of the clock are mixed up?
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Kwiaty wiosenne z Weterynaryjnej
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A diary-style account of various events and activities at a school, including museum visits, competitions, lessons, and trips.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Na ostatnim obiadku na Awaryjnej
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A diary-style account of various events and activities at a school, including parties, tournaments, museum visits, and more.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • "Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız", in English "The Little Red Riding Hood", in Polish "Czerwony Kapturek": the first book in Turkish co-produced by Veterinary Street
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • To jest "Czerwony Kapturek", książeczka, którą
    stworzyliśmy razem z innymi szkołami w projekcie eTwinning
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Red Riding Hood goes on a journey to her grandmother's house, encountering strange creatures and learning about the magical forest.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Uczniowie klasy szóstej w roku szkolnym 2017/2018 opowiadają o swoich zainteresowaniach
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Raz w tygodniu oglądamy filmy w szkole. Tutaj mówimy o sobie. My - Weterynaryjna.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Adaptacja wiersza Jana Brzechwy "Na wyspach Bergamutach". Czy ktoś wie co tu jest prawdą, a co nie jest?
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A diary-style account of various events at a school, including performances, competitions, and celebrations.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Malarstwo z kolekcji Jezuicka galerii Weterynaryjna
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A collection of short descriptions of various events and activities that took place in a school in Warsaw during November 2017.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Jak robotnicy ustawiali drewnianą przyporę
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A diary-style account of various events and activities at a school in Warsaw, Poland during October 2017.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Kto pracuje w szkole?
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Zapis pewnej telefonicznej rozmowy
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Pierwsza książeczka po romsku z Weterynaryjnej
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Wierszyk o tym, co widzimy w internecie
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Uczniowie klasy trzeciej opowiadają Czerwonemu Kapturkowi, co im się podobało
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A repetitive poem about the annoyance of sticky mobile phones and their negative effects on health and time.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A diary-style account of various events at a school in Warsaw, including competitions, field trips, and projects.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • We wrześniu najpiękniejsze kwiaty są u sąsiadów, a nie w szkolnym ogródku
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Spacer ulicą Kawęczyńską w Warszawie
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Jak Pan Kotek zachorował z przejedzenia
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Malarstwo z kolekcji Jezuicka galerii Weterynaryjna
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Jak Laura i Nathan poznali się i zakochali w sobie
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Co śniło się Czerwonemu Kapturkowi?
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A series of greetings and letters exchanged between Lleida and Warsaw, ending with a farewell message.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A retelling of Little Red Riding Hood, where the girl falls for the wolf's tricks but is saved by a hunter.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Czym tak bardzo samochwała znowu się dziś przechwalała?
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Czerwony Kapturek, wilk, babcia Kapturka i myśliwy
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Pod kolorowymi wzorami ukryły się zwierzęta
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Jak Eryk uczył się alfabetu
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Co Adrian robi w szkole?
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Co słychać na ulicy Baśniowej?
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • O misiu, który lubił patrzeć przez okno
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A 13-year-old boy named Szymon introduces himself, his interests, and his city, Warsaw, in Poland.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Jak myszki w nocy harcowały i co kot na to?
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • How a sea battle could look like
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • W zimowym ogródku pojawili się dwaj weseli Marsjanie. Interesowali się kraterami. Najdłużej oglądali duży krater za płotem.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • How the author's great-grandmother got a present on St. Nicholas' Day
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Adaptacja „Kota w butach” według Weterynaryjnej
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Jakie kwiaty zakwitły w ogródku w czerwcu?
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Co robią koty mieszkające nad jeziorem?
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Jakie kwiaty zakwitły w ogródku w maju?
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • O tym, jak prababcia autorki dostała prezent na mikołajki
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • How did David regain Amanda and where was the enchanted flute from?
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • I am hidden in this book. Can you find me?
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Kto się chowa w kolorowym świecie?
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Jakie kwiaty zakwitły w ogródku w kwietniu?
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A poem about a masquerade party where the guests' identities are unknown. The narrator expresses uncertainty and fear.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • O kwiatkach w ogródku pod koniec marca
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Czyżby Indiana Jones ukrył swój skarb w Kucyku?
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • O spotkaniu z panią Jesienią i jej córką
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Jak Dawid odzyskał Amandę i skąd wziął się zaczarowany flet
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • O maskaradzie na ekranach. Adaptacja wiersza Marii Terlikowskiej
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • O czym sroka skrzeczy. Adaptacja wiersza Jana Brzechwy.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Adaptacja wiersza Bolesława Leśmiana
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Adaptacja wiersza Marii Konopnickiej "Jesienią"
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Cat Lulek and dog Julek go on an adventure to find an old dispensary for animals. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles and meet new friends. They eventually find the dispensary and return home. The story takes place in Warsaw.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A vacation journey with family to a lot on the outskirts, where a new home stood. What could be more amazing?
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Wakacyjna wyprawa z rodziną na działkę na wsi, gdzie właśnie stanął nowy dom. Cóż może być wspanialszego?
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Ludowa polka lwowska "Husia siusia"
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Kot Lulek i pies Julek odwiedzili w długi weekend budynek pewnej szkoły, stojący na końcu dwóch ulic. Co zobaczyli w środku?
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Mark and Ola live with their grandparents in the countryside, and their parents live in the city. What will be the fate of their family?
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Marek i Ola mieszkają z dziadkami na wsi, a rodzice w mieście. Jak potoczą się losy ich rodziny?
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Three small Martians visit Earth and the children help them move around in their bubbles.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Prima aprilis w ogródku z krokusami
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A train journey takes children through different emotional stations, where they draw and crush papers representing sorrows and angers.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Rymowany wierszyk o tym, jak smutki i złości jechały do radości
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Angels visit a school, bringing joy and helping out in various ways. The story ends with the address and date.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • O szkole pełnej aniołów
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A lonely cat dreams of friendship and interacts with painters, other cats, and a small dog.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A group of sparrows gather at a playground to hear their grandfather's story about its construction.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Opowieść wróbelka o tym, jak plac zabaw budowali, ze zdjęciami
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A brief overview of dinosaurs in Poland, their habitat, behavior, and extinction.
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • A Martian wonders who he would become in an adult life
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • O kotku, co tylko by w oknie siedział
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Wiele milionów lat temu w Polsce żyły dinozaury
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Marsjanin zastanawia się, kim zostanie gdy dorośnie
    by VeterinaryStreet
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  • Princess Kinga Weronika wants to go to school and make friends, but she's unsure how to fit in. She tries different disguises and finally decides to dress like the other girls. The story ends with a question about whether anyone recognized her true identi
    by VeterinaryStreet
    Eye Icon 33
  • O małej księżniczce, która chodzi do szkoły
    by VeterinaryStreet
    Eye Icon 63
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My Collection - "Books I Like" Follow Collection

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