My Published Books (6)

  • The story of Kimpa Vita, a young prophet girl from Congo who started her own religious movement and was burned at the stake for it.
    by Nahano Lufungulo
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    by Nahano Lufungulo
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  • A book about the wonders of different provinces in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with information on their attractions, culture, and people.
    by Nahano Lufungulo
    Eye Icon 60
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  • The kivu gorillas
    by Nahano Lufungulo
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  • Bashi, the prince of Congo, learns he is becoming king and must form a team of African heroes to stop N'Taka, a super villain. They defeat N'Taka and Bashi becomes king.
    by Nahano Lufungulo
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  • The story of Patrice Lumumba, the independence leader of Congo, and his journey to free Congo from Belgian control.
    by Nahano Lufungulo
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My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • The second book in the World of Hamudagu series, there is more to come so come read this book that is mixed in with African mythology
    by Nahano Lufungulo
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  • Matu continues his search for Obatala, the only way to save the world, the only one who knows where Obatala is, is Yemoja, read this fantastic book in the World of Hamudagu series to see if Matumaini, the hope of the world, survives his dangerous quest.
    by Nahano Lufungulo
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  • Set in 1651, the story follows Zadou, a boy destined to become king of Hamudagu. After his parents are sold into slavery, he is taken in by Ahbo and learns about his destiny. He eventually becomes king and opens Hamudagu to the world.
    by Nahano Lufungulo
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  • A brief overview of the Black Panther character, his family, Wakanda, vibranium, his role in the Avengers, his enemies, and the upcoming movie.
    by Nahano Lufungulo
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  • The story of Kwame Nkrumah, a prominent African figure who fought for Ghana's independence and Pan-Africanism.
    by Nahano Lufungulo
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  • The story is about a boy from Bukavu, DR Congo, and his life journey. It highlights his upbringing, education, career, and love for his hometown.
    by Nahano Lufungulo
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